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Tom's Story... Guestbook

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Unfortunately we've had to remove the online form due to all the spam being posted, but we would truly love to hear from any who find their way to Tom's Story.

- Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 16:42:40 (EDT)
That was a very touching tribute to your brother. Good, decent people are so rare in this world, it seems. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.

Come visit Fishtown On The Net
I'm from Pennsylvania.
How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...

John Gallagher

Rose Bar

- Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 22:36:23 (EDT)
I remember Tom as a young lad and as well, Michel and Rochelle. Tom was always the most serious and studious of the three children. Tom aspired to becoming a Police Officer and had high hopes of achieving that goal. In fact to this day, I still have a police pin that was given to me by Annette. I had the good fortune of meeting Tom again this summer, at a 40th Anniversary celebration for his parents that had been secretly planned by all three children. Tom and I talked about old times and in fact, he cooked my hamburger.....nicely done, Tom.....I will remember you always.

I'm from Midland, Ontario.
How did you know Tom? I'm a friend of the family

Irene Rowley

Rose Bar

- Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 19:58:03 (EDT)
Kathy and I worked very closely together for a number of years. Consequently, I "knew" Tom through the stories that Kathy would share with me. It was apparent that Kathy loved Tom with all her heart. In September, my husband and I were fortunate to have dinner with Kathy and Tom in their new house. Tom was funny and charming, loving and loved. The memory that will stay with me is the memory of true love around that dinner table. Tom was a bright star that flamed out too early. His loss is a deep one to so many who knew him.

I'm from Toronto, Ontario.
How did you know Tom? I'm a friend of the family

Elizabeth Carson

Rose Bar

- Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 19:59:56 (EST)
What a very special tribute to a very special person, (by a very special sister!). Those who knew Tom were very lucky, he obviously touched so many lives. I feel fortunate for knowing him the short time I did. Thanks for sharing so much about your brother. He is now your guardian angel, smiling down on his little sister...big hug :)

How did you know Tom? I'm a friend of the family


Rose Bar

- Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 21:43:36 (EST)
I've finally made it to the site. I should have come here a long time ago...this is something so wonderful. To get to know someone through the heart and eyes of other people. I didnt have a chance to know Tom but I'm getting to know him a bit through his sister and the pages here. I'm sorry that I never met him and I know he's not forgotten because the memories of him are kept alive by sharing this tribute. Thanks for including me.

I'm from Dallas, Texas.
How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...


Rose Bar

- Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 21:44:42 (EST)
I am the wife of one of Tom's best friends, and in my knowing Tom for 8 years, can honestly say have never met anyone as nice and sincere as both himself and Kathy. He touched our lives in so many ways I cannot begin to list, as he did with so many people. I know my husband felt he lost part of himself when Tom passed, and still feels that way today, and although my husband and I are no longer together, Tom is still, and will always be felt and remembered in our hearts, and everyday we will remind ourselves to be thankful for the little things in our lives that we have been blessed with and never take anyone or anything for granted. Thankyou Tom for being apart of our lives.

How did you know Tom? I was a friend of Tom's


Rose Bar

- Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 12:45:47 (EST)
I was going through some things at home and came across a Christmas card from John and Annette, Tom's parents, with address card on it. I asked a friend at work to help access this internet. I remember visiting Tom and Kathy with Fred DesRochers, Tom's uncle, at their new home in September before he got sick. He had a great personality. He was very healthy, happy and was just finishing his Law courses. He had done so much that few of us by that age. He has touched many souls while on this earth and will never be forgotten.

I'm from Barrie, Ontario.
How did you know Tom? I'm a friend of the family

Cherrelle Cauch   

Rose Bar

- Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 20:11:24 (EDT)
What a wonderful tribute to someone who was with us
for such a short period of time. It certainly was
a wonderful idea to remember him by using a web site.

How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...

Barb Anderson ( a distant cousin)   

Rose Bar

- Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 11:27:36 (EDT)
Thank you for sharing this very moving tribute to your brother. You have shown how a remarkable man he was. Again thank you

I'm from Albany NY.
How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...


Rose Bar

- Monday, May 01, 2000 at 21:39:43 (EDT)
What a beautiful tribute! I have yet to look through
the whole site but am looking forward to it. As some-
one who is trying to heal from several different losses
you have provided inspiration to honor my loved ones! Thank you!

I'm from Los Angeles.
How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...

Rose Bar

- Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 13:07:00 (EDT)
Rochelle...what a wonderful tribute to your brother...I am sitting here with tears but also with a told his story so beautifuly and with so much love..I am so very sorry for your loss..but by what I have read here have kept him so very much alive in your hearts and memories..I am so deeply touched by this..thank you for sharing it with me..(((Huggs)))

I'm from Barrie Ontario Canada.
How did you know Tom? I didn't, but wish I had...


Rose Bar

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