Growing up with my brothers Tom and Michel was always an adventure. With each of us being only a year apart, we "hung together" and made our own fun catching and racing salamanders, going to the beach or building gigantic snow forts. I have many warm and magical memories of those times.

Tom, Michel and I all chose different paths in life. Tom became a police officer, then a lawyer. Michel went into the sciences at university and became a forester. I became a teacher.

The bond that formed in childhood ensure that our hearts will forever be imprinted with life lessons and shared memories.

More Photographic Memories...
Tom as a baby
Tom and Michel making their own fun...
Rochelle circa 1966
Tom's grad pic from Law School (June 12/98)
Michel and Rochelle circa 1980
Tom a couple of years ago
Rochelle at the cottage (age 4) of the first photos I ever took!
Tom (with rare beard) and Dexter
Michel's graduation pic from Lakehead University
Rochelle's Graduation from York University
Michel and Rochelle- Skating Carnival
Tom's Graduation from the University of Waterloo
"The Guys at the Cottage" (Tom, Phil, Dad, Michel)
Rochelle and James, circa 1988
Tom, circa 1996


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